Dog Groomer of the year 2024

The Animal Star Awards was founded by Mary Burgess in 2016. It is designed to offer recognition to the individuals, organisations, businesses and charities that work to provide animals with excellence in care and welfare. 

The awards is nomination based and in 2024 there were in excess is 900 nominations.

These nominations are then examined by a judging panel made up of both members of the Industry and former winners. Between them they reduced the nominations to a finalist section. We were absolutely gobsmacked to have made it through to that finalist section in our first year of opening. 

On 26th May 2024 we travelled down to Portsmouth for the awards ceremony. It was lovely to meet so many other amazing people who had animal welfare at their core. 

After a fantastic 3 course meal, wonderful entertainment and hilarious hosting. The awards were announced. 

Beyond our wildest expectations Only Dogs had been awarded a "Highly commended" award. This is the equivalent to a runner up medal and so far removed from even our highest hopes. 

After speaking with the judging panel they indicated that it was the reviews, recommendations and feedback from clients that pushed us above some of our competitors and made our fledgling business stand out amongst such a strong field. 

We cannot begin to explain what this accolade means to us and how grateful we are to our incredible customers. We are contacted daily by new clients who have been referred by an existing customer and it never fails to make our heart swell to hear the lovely comments you make about us. 

We absolutely love our job and look forward to making your pooches look perfect .